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The Blue Letter Bible
Study Resources :: Text Commentaries :: Alfred Edersheim :: Sketches of Jewish Social Life

Alfred Edersheim :: Indexes

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Analysis of Contents

Chap. I. - Palestine Eighteen Centuries Ago.

Palestine - Its present condition - Its condition at the time of Christ - Sentiments of Rabbis Jonathan and Meir concerning it - Climate - Vegetable and animal productions - Scenery - Religious enthusiasm about Palestine - Love of the Rabbis for the land - Treatment of Babylonians schools by the Rabbis - Superstitions concerning Palestine - Present state of feeling regarding it - How swept of relics - Extent of Paestine at the time of Christ - Inhabitants - Opinions concerning the ten tribes - Government - Testament of Herod the Great - Disputes between Archelaus and Herod Antipas - Income of Archelaus, of Herod the Great, and of Agrippa II. - Coins of Palestine - Division of Palestine - Views of the Jews concerning Samaria.

Chap. II. - Jews and Gentiles in "the Land."

Boundaries of Palestine - Views of the Rabbis on the sanctity of the land and the uncleanness of heathen soil - The three lands designated as Palestine - Offerings, from whence lawful - Countries included in Syria - Its assimilation to, and disctinction from Palestine - Jewish views of heathen countries - Arrangement by Maimonides of all countries - Places allowed by the Rabbis to bring Biccurim and Terumoth - Distinctions between the country east and west of the Jordan - Pre-eminence of Judea proper over Galilee - Antioch - The borders of Tyre and Sidon - Miracles worked there - Parties in Palestine at the time of Christ - Dialects - Spread of Grecianism - Divisions of Judaism - Separation between Pharisaical Jews and heathens - Views of the Jews and heathens respecting each other.

Chap. III. - In Galilee at the Time of Our Lord.

Distinction between Galilee and Judea - Issue of the Mishnah and of the Jerusalem Talmud from Tiberias - Sentiments of the Pharisees concerning Galilee - Prayer of a celebrated Rabbi - Rabbi Jannai - Peculiarities of Galilee - Territory - Distinction between Upper and Lower Galilee - Safed - Scenery of Upper Galilee - The great caravan road - Fruitfulness of Galilee - Towns, villages, and population of Galilee - Its industries - Nazareth - Celebrated cities of Galilee - Rabbinical views and sayings concerning it - Theological distinctions between Galilee and Judea - Character of the Galileans - The Lake of Galilee.

Chap. IV. - Travelling in Palestine - Roads, Inns, Hospitality, Custom-house Officers, Taxation, Publicans.

Travelling in Palestine - Great highways - Secondary roads - Different terms for them - Roman roads - Repair of highways - Vehicles - Caravans - Hospitality - Rabbinical sayings concerning it - Rules for hosts and guests - Inns - Secret police - Tax collectors - Tolls and taxes - Royal revenues - Roman taxations - Religious scruples concerning it - Publicans - Calling of Levi.

Chap. V. - In Judaea.

Judea, how distinguished above Galilee - Scenery - Places passed by pilgrims - Shiloh - Bethel - Ramah - Rachel's pillar - The Shephelah - The wilderness of Judea - Masada - Jericho - The Arabah - Jewish feelings concerning Judea - Expectations of the Messiah - False Messiahs - Sentiments of the Rabbis on this subject - Subjects engrossing the attention of the Rabbis - Privileges of living in Judea - Its boundaries - Caesarea - Divisions of Judea {lain of Sharon - Antipatris - Lydda - Chephar Tabi - Joppa of Jaffa - Emmaus - Bethlehem, how regarded in connection with the birth of the Messiah - Migdal Eder - The shepherds publishing the birth of Christ - Jurusalem 0 Rabbinical sentiments concerning it - Names given to the city - Synagogues in Jerusalem - Hospitality of its inhabitants - Bethany and Bethphage - Character of the inhabitants of Jerusalem - Jewish feelings about the city - How peopled - The Temple.

Chap. VI. - Jewish Homes.

Distinction between Jews and Gentiles - Jewish towns and villages - Number of townships - Distinction between villages, townships, and towns - Villages - Appearance of towns - The gate - Places of traffic - Guilds - Character of the Jews - Appearance of a town by night - Windows - Jewish feelings on representations of things in heaven and earth - Views of Rabbi Gamaliel - The rule of towns and villages - Local Sanhedrim - Police and sanitary regulations - Pavement of towns - Structure of houses - Roofs - The road of the roofs - Strangers' rooms - Gallery round the court - Upper rooms - Inner court - Furniture - Family life - Religious rites in the family - Family feasts - The Sabbath - Position of woman - Relation between members of a family - Childlessness - Relation between parents and children - Reverence for age - Traditionalism destructive of the spirit of reverence for parents.

Chap. VII. - The Upbringing of Jewish Children.

Terms for the stages of early childhood - Different periods of life according to Rabbi Jehudah - Age at which the Bible was begun to be read - Education, when begun - Instruction derived by a child from family life and rites - Feelings of a child in the Temple - Part taken by children in the Paschal Supper - Carefulness of parental training as illustrated by the Book of Proverbs - Position of mothers - The Queen of Massa - Agur - Lemuel - Mothers of the New Testament - Upbringing of Timothy - Religious persecution at the time of the rising of the Maccabees - Influence of pious women - Childhood of our Lord - Jesus sitting in the Temple among the doctors.

Chap. VIII. - Subjects of Study. Home Education in Israel; Female Education. Elementary Schools, Schoolmasters, And School Arrangements.

Influence of the Bible in raising the standard of public morality - Superiority of Jewish family life - Knowledge of the law of God - Study of languages - Study of the Thorah or law - Legends concerning the importance of the Rabbis - Influence of exclusive study of the law upon education - Home teaching - Manner of teaching to read - Writing - The Scribes - Use of initial letters - Falsification of signatures and documents - Writing materials - Education of girls - Elementary schools - Schooolmasters - Moral and intellectual training - Regulations for teachers - Study of the Mishnah and Bible - Schools in the synagogues - Care for the children of the poor and for orphans.

Chap. IX. - Mothers, Daughters, and Wives in Israel.

Position of woman in Israel - The holy women of old - Rabbinical ideas on the creation of Eve - The four mothers - Miriam - Deborah - Manoah's wife - Samuel's mother - Abigail - The wise woman of Tekoah - Huldah - The Shunammite - Ruth - Esther - Social equality of woman - The ministry of women - Polygamy - Views concerning divorce at the time of Malachi - Brides - Four reasons for marriage - Maza or Moze? - Qualities desireable in a woman - Rabbinical reasons for the creation of Eve from Adam's side - Marriage a religious obligation - Age at which a man ought to marry - Money cares - Betrothal, how regarded - Writings of betrothal, or Shitre Erusin - Marriage contracts or Chethubah - Dowries - Legal formalities at betrothal - The marriage ceremony - Marriage days - The week before the marriage in Cana - That marriage as illustrative of Jewish practices - Marriage feasts - Friends of the bridegroom - Children of the bridechamber - Bride's attire - Bridal veil and crown - Bridal lamps - Bars to marriage - Divorce, for what reasons allowed - Obligations incumbent on husbands and wives - Women of the New Testament - Birthday texts.

Chap. X. - In Death and after Death.

Death of Rabbi Jochanan ben Saccai and of Rabbi Jehuhah the Hold - Gospel teaching on death - Influence of the spiritual state of parents upon their children - Sickness, how regarded - Chastisements - Rabbinical laws and regulations for heath - Physicians - Medicines used - Duration of life - Premature death - Death without leaving a son - 903 different kinds of death - Death by the mouth of Jehovah - Persons over whom the Angel of Death had no power - Signs as to time and manner of death - Visitation of the sick - Burial - Funeral of the young man at Nain - Burial ceremonies - Sepulchres - The resurrection of Christ - Treatment of mourners - Distinction between the Onen and the Avel - Mourning - Anniversaries of death - Teaching of the Rabbis concerning the future state - Paradise and hell - Sin - Rabbinical parables resembling that of the wedding guests - Doctrinal views of the Rabbis respecting Purgatory and Paradise.

Chap. XI. - Jewish Views on Trade, Tradesmen, and Trades' Guilds.

Sayings of the Mishnah concerning trade - Rabbi Nehorai's views - Influence of Jewish surroundings on the Gospel-history - Our Lord and His disciples - Dignity of labour as set forth by St. Paul - Respect of the Rabbis for honest labour - Superiority of Jewish views on this subject - Combination of study with manual labour - Labour, how regarded in the Old Testament and in the Apocrypha - Trades of the Rabbis - Their priciples concerning trade - The Mishnah on labour - Resemblance and difference between the teaching of the Rabbis and that of Christ - Rabbinical teachings on the dignity of labour - Trades forbidden by the Mishnah - Weavers - Workmen in the Temple - Traditions concerning Alexandrian workmen - Alexandrian guilds - Palestinian guilds - Places called after workmen - Workmen engaged by Herod the Great in rebuilding the Temple - The Veil of the Most Holy Place - Difficulties of Jewish employers with their workmen - Trade-unions.

Chap. XII. - Commerce.

Change in the views of the Rabbis concerning manual labour - Rabbinical sayings enjoining submission to the authorities - Jewish views on commerce - Israel not a commercial people - Palestine unsuited to commercial pursuits - Trade in the time of Solomon and of Jehoshaphat - Income of Solomon - Attacks on the antiquity of the Pentateuch answered - Rabbinical views on commerce - Persons declared unfit for witnessbearing - Inspectors of weights and measures - Prices - Percentage - Dishonesty, how regarded - Change of Rabbinical views on commerce - The Jews of Alexandria - Articles of trade - Imports and exports - Laws regulating trade and commerce - Bargains - Money-changers - Laws against dishonest dealing - Price of corn - Usury - Debtors and creditors - Pledges.

Chap. XIII. - Among the People, and with the Pharisees.

The Pharisees - Prayers of the Pharisees in the streets - Rabbinical teaching on the efficacy of prayer - Degrees of Pharisees - The Chasidim - Fashionable dress of the time - Dress of ladies - Hair, how worn and adorned - Jewels - Borders of garments - Fringes - Phylacteries or tephillin - Where and when worn - Value and importance of phylacteries in the eyes of the Rabbis - Rabbinical legends concerning phylacteries - Charge of Christ against the Pharisees - History of the "fraternity" - Their vows and obligations - The Pharisees as representing earnestness and religious zeal - Their influence.

Chap, XIV. - The "Fraternity" of the Pharisees.

The order of the Pharisees - Conspiracy against St. Paul explained - Absolution from vows - Resemblance of Pharisaism to Ultramontanism, the Ultramontanes, and the Jesuits - The Nivdalim of the time of Ezra and Nehmiah - The Perushim, or Pharisees - Application of the terms Chasidim and Nivdalim to the Christian life - Grecianising policy of the successors of Alexander the Great - Insurrection of the Maccabees - Amalgamation of the Chasidim with the Pharisees - Principles of the Chasidim - Origin of the Pharisees - Regulations for the Therumah and tithes at the time of John Hyrcanus - Chabura of Pharisees - Obligations of the Chaberim - Degrees of Pharisees - Vows binging the fraternity - Their system of externalism - Contempt of the Rabbis and Sadducees for the sect - Antagonism between Pharisaism and the Gospel.

Chap. XV. - Relation of the Pharisees to the Sadducees and Essenes, and to the Gospel of Christ.

Triumph of the Pharisees over the Sadducees - A Sadducean high-priest at the Feast of Tabernacles - Doctrinal views of the Sadducees - Origin of the name - Classes to which the Pharisees and the Sadducees chiefly belonged - The Esssenes - Connection between their views and the relgion of Zoroaster - Number of Essenes - Sectiaries belonging to the mystical and ascetic branch of Pharisaism - Dress and appearance of the Essenes - Their religious observances - Vows and regulations imposed on the sect - Their manner of spending the day - Difference and resemblance between Essenism and Christianity - Essential contrariety between the Gospel of Christ and the Pharisees, Sadduceed, and Essenes.

Chap. XVI. - Synagugues: Their Origin, Structure, and Outward Arrangements.

Rabbi Jochanan's views of prayer - Prayer in the house and in the synagogue - The Babylon Talmud on frequenting the synagogue - Derivation of the name synagogue - The Edah and the Kahal - Origin and history of the synagogue - Smallest number forming a congregations - number of synagogues in Jerusalem - Situation and architecture of these buildings - The synagogue at Capernaum - John vi. 25, etc., explained by the device on the lintel of this synagogue - Oldest synagogue still extant - Manner of prayer in the synagogue - Legend about Elijah - Rabbi Seira on running to the synagogue - The Church in the house - Money collections in the synagogue - Sanctity of the building - Oratories - Separation of the sexes in the synagogue - Arrangements of the interior of the synagogue - Synagogue rolls of the law - Seats in the synagogue.

Chap. XVII. - The Worship of the Synagogue.

The synagogue in the Temple - The hall of paved stones - Temple worship superseded by that of the synagogue - Opportunities afforded by the synagogue for the furtherance of the Gospel - Synagogue liturgy - The Shema - The benedictions - The prayer after the Shema - Evening prayer - The eighteen eulogies - Leaders of the devotions in the synagogue - Benediction of the priests - Attitude, dress, and appearance in prayer - The lectionary - Number and time of the services - Sermons - Christ in the synagogue.

Chap. XVIII. - Brief Outline of Ancient Jewish Theological Literature.

Appointments of the Synagogue - The Sanhedrim - Ordination of the Sanhedrists - Qualifications - The Chassanim or ministers of the synagogue - The Sheliach Zibbur - the Gabaei Zedakah - The Meturgeman - The Targumim - The Midrashim - The Book of Jubilees, or Lesser Genesis - The pseudo-epigraphic writings - Their arrangements - The Halachah - The Haggadah - The four cannons and thirty-two rules connecting the Haggadah with Scripture - Numerical value of words - The Mishnah - The Gemara - The Jerusalem and the Babylon Talmud - Arrangement of the Mishnah - The Kabbalah - Relation between Christ and the men of His period.

Appendix I. - Translation of the Mishnic Tractate Middoth.

Appendix II. - Translation of the Selections from the Babylon Talmud, Tractate Berachoth.

Index to Scripture References


2:23, 3:21, 3:21, 3:24, 3:24, 15:18, 18:1, 18:1, 18:12, 18:19, 20:3, 25:11, 25:11, 25:14, 34:12, 35:16, 35:19, 37:2, 37:9, 40:16, 41:12, 41:13, 41:32, 41:46, 42:22, 42:27, 43:21, 48:16, 49:22


2:3, 2:6, 2:8, 11:4, 12:26, 13:1-10, 13:8, 13:9, 13:11-16, 13:14, 19:16, 19:17, 21:9, 21:10, 21:26, 21:27, 22:17, 23:31, 24:11, 24:12


2:13, 19:15, 19:19, 19:24, 19:32, 21:10, 21:11, 22:4, 22:6, 25:36, 25:37


5:23, 6:23, 6:24, 6:24-26, 12:1, 12:6, 14:27, 15:37, 15:37-41, 15:37-41, 15:37-41, 15:39, 20:17, 20:19, 21:22, 24:16, 33:38


4:9, 4:9, 4:10, 6:4, 6:4-9, 6:4-9, 6:4-9, 6:4-9, 6:4-9, 6:7, 6:8, 6:9, 6:9, 6:20, 8:5, 8:7, 8:9, 10:17, 11:13-21, 11:13-21, 11:13-21, 11:13-21, 11:13-21, 11:13-21, 11:18, 11:19, 11:19, 11:19, 11:20, 11:20, 13:1, 13:2, 13:4, 14:22, 17:10, 17:11, 17:18, 18:21, 18:22, 19:3, 21:11, 21:15, 22:10, 22:12, 23:5, 23:20, 24:1, 24:1, 24:3, 24:5, 26:12, 27:21, 28:10, 28:10, 28:10, 28:31, 28:32, 28:41, 28:58, 28:58, 29:28, 30:12, 31:13, 33:2, 33:24, 34:5, 34:6, 34:6


1:8, 10:13, 17:11, 17:16, 18:9, 20:7, 22:24, 22:25, 24:26


1:27, 7:19, 8:14, 13:23

1 Samuel

2:36, 10:2-3, 14:45, 15:22, 18:25, 25:6, 25:29, 25:29, 30:17, 31:10, 31:12

2 Samuel

8:3-14, 16:23, 20:23

1 Kings

9:11, 9:15, 9:26, 10:14, 10:15, 10:28, 10:29, 12:8, 12:18, 22:48

2 Kings

2:24, 4:23, 8:20, 11:1, 15:29, 22:8

1 Chronicles

1:30, 4:38-43, 6:76, 12:18, 27:34

2 Chronicles

1:16, 8:17, 16:12, 20:36, 20:37


4:13, 4:13, 4:20, 4:20, 6:21, 7:24, 7:24, 9:1, 10:11


8:4, 9:2, 10:29


1:3, 3:13


5:24, 13:10


8:2, 29:11, 29:11, 30:4, 30:11, 31:23, 37:28, 51:16, 51:17, 55:18, 57:8, 62:12, 63:4, 66:20, 68:7, 68:12, 74:8, 78:5, 78:6, 78:47, 82:1, 82:6, 84, 91:10, 94, 94:12, 94:12, 109:31, 113, 116:9, 119, 119:62, 119:147, 119:148, 121:8, 131:2, 132:13-18, 137:5, 137:6


1:21, 3, 3:3, 6:21, 6:23, 7:3, 7:9, 8:21, 8:34, 14:32, 17:5, 18:5, 18:22, 19:17, 22:6, 24:17, 24:18, 30:1, 30:1, 31, 31:1, 31:2-9, 31:10-31


3:14, 4:13, 7:1, 7:26, 7:26, 9:7, 9:9

Song of Solomon

2:1, 3:11, 7:5, 8:3, 8:6


1:11-13, 1:21, 2:2, 2:3, 2:6, 3:16-24, 7:3, 7:14, 9:1, 9:2, 9:6, 9:6, 11:8, 11:8, 21, 21:11, 21:11, 21:12, 28:9, 29:23, 31:8, 35:2, 35:10, 48:22, 49:16, 50:2, 53:2, 55:6, 57:2, 57:4, 57:8, 57:19, 57:21, 61:10, 62:8, 65:10, 65:13, 66:20


12:4, 15:8, 17:6, 17:8, 18:21, 22:10, 23:28, 25:30, 31:13, 31:15, 31:20, 40:1, 40:7, 41:17




1, 9:6, 16:2, 16:12, 28:13, 37:12-14, 43:16


2:29, 2:30, 12:3


6:3, 6:6, 11:10


1, 5:2, 6:4


2:12, 2:16, 10:2, 11:1, 12:11-14




1:18, 1:19, 2:5, 2:16, 2:17, 2:18, 2:22, 4:13, 4:15, 4:15, 4:23, 4:25, 5:14, 5:18, 5:22, 5:23, 5:32, 6:5, 6:26, 7:24, 7:28, 7:29, 8:28, 8:28, 9:1, 9:9, 9:15, 9:18, 9:20, 9:23, 10:5, 10:14, 10:17, 10:27, 11:21, 11:28-30, 12:3, 13:54, 14:3, 14:36, 15:4-6, 15:6, 15:28, 16:13, 16:16, 18:17, 18:25, 18:28, 19:3, 19:4, 19:10, 20:2, 20:17, 20:29, 21:13, 21:16, 21:42, 22:1-14, 22:20, 22:30, 22:31, 22:45, 23:3, 23:4, 23:5, 23:5, 23:6, 23:6, 23:6, 23:7, 24:15-20, 24:17, 25:1, 25:36, 26:7, 26:12, 26:73, 27:7, 27:41-43, 27:51, 27:52, 27:53, 27:66


1:21, 1:21, 1:29, 2:4, 5:1, 5:20, 5:22, 5:26, 5:26, 5:35, 5:36, 5:38, 6:2, 6:17, 6:45, 6:56, 7:7, 7:8, 7:13, 7:24, 7:29, 7:31, 8:22, 8:22, 8:29, 12:19, 12:38, 12:39, 12:40, 13:9, 13:15, 15:40, 15:46, 16:1, 16:4, 16:5


1:41, 1:44, 1:63, 1:68-70, 2:7, 2:12, 2:16, 2:17, 2:17, 2:18, 2:18, 2:20, 2:20, 2:46, 2:46, 3:1, 3:19, 4:15, 4:16, 4:16-21, 4:17, 4:17, 4:20, 4:20, 4:20, 5:17, 5:19, 5:29, 6:6, 6:47, 7:3, 7:3, 7:5, 7:11-15, 8:2, 8:26, 8:41, 8:44, 8:49, 9:10, 9:10, 9:53, 10:5-11, 10:13, 10:30, 10:34, 10:34, 10:35, 10:35, 11:43, 12:3, 12:58, 13:2, 13:10, 13:14, 16:17, 16:25, 16:26, 17:2, 17:6, 17:11, 17:31, 18:11, 18:15, 19:1, 19:1, 19:4, 19:12-15, 19:27, 19:28, 20:46, 20:47, 23:56, 24:13


1:29, 1:35, 1:43, 1:44, 1:46, 2:1-11, 2:18, 3:29, 4:4, 4:9, 4:20, 4:43, 4:46, 4:47, 6:1, 6:23, 6:25-28, 6:30, 6:31, 6:59, 7:46, 7:52, 8:48, 9:1, 9:2, 10:22, 11:30, 11:31, 11:31, 11:38, 11:39, 11:44, 11:47, 11:48, 11:54, 11:55, 12:21, 18:20, 18:28, 20:1, 20:1-12, 20:5, 20:7, 21:1, 21:2, 21:22


1:8, 2:5, 2:46, 5:6, 5:10, 5:37, 5:42, 6:9, 6:9, 7:19, 8:2, 8:28, 9:32-43, 9:35, 9:36, 9:37, 9:39, 10:23, 10:24, 10:28, 10:39, 11:3, 11:20, 11:21, 11:26, 12:13, 12:14, 12:19, 13:15, 13:15, 14:6, 15:1, 15:13-21, 15:21, 15:21, 16:1, 16:13, 18:2, 18:3, 18:3, 18:8, 18:17, 20:28, 20:34, 20:35, 21:5, 21:10, 21:40, 21:40, 22:1, 23:6, 23:8, 23:9, 23:12, 23:16, 23:21, 23:31, 23:31, 26:6, 26:7


7:2, 7:3, 8:33, 9:3, 10:2, 11:2, 11:26, 16:3, 16:5

1 Corinthians

7, 7:14, 7:39, 8:7, 9:18, 10:25, 10:27, 10:28, 11:1-10, 11:4, 11:5, 11:6, 11:10, 11:14, 16:19

2 Corinthians

3:3, 6:14, 6:14-7:1, 11:2


1:17, 1:18, 2:6, 2:12


4:28, 5:28, 6:4, 6:4




4:14, 4:15

1 Thessalonians

2:9, 4:11, 4:12, 4:13-18

2 Thessalonians


1 Timothy

2:8, 2:12, 3:1-10, 5:10, 6:1, 6:2

2 Timothy

1:5, 1:10, 3:15, 3:15, 4:13




3:1, 12:5, 12:7, 12:9, 13:2, 13:7


1:27, 2:2, 2:3, 5:14

1 Peter

2:2, 3:5, 3:6, 5:2

2 John

1:1, 1:12, 1:12, 1:13

3 John

1:13, 1:13




2:15, 3:4, 3:20, 14:14



1 Maccabees


2 Maccabees

4:12, 4:13


1:25, 1:26, 38:24-31, 38:33

Appendix 2. Extracts from the Babylon Talmud ← Prior Section
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